the art of instinctive cooking
Sadly, I had to cease offering a catering service some time ago now. Many apologies if you have landed on this page with your expectations now dashed. Fear not! In all the years of teaching and catering I have come across a few really good caterers who I would be more than happy to recommend to you. Not all are still in business as it’s a really tough one! But with my hand on my heart, I know that you will do very well by my dear friend Magda who goes above and beyond anyone else I know.
Magda Calatrava of My Backyard Kitchen, St Albans, Herts
T: 07951 121303 E:
Do please contact me if you would like to know anything else.

Sticky and sweet. Children and adults love them.

My children's favourite when served with rice.

Mmm, which shall I go for now...!?

There are so many variations of these which can be supplied with or without sauces.

Infinite variations are possible!

Not a usual catering dish, but if you'd like me to provide the "mix" then you could do your own pasta and simply combine them yourself at the last minute.

Or try with lentils or feta and fresh herbs...?

Delightfully light and sweet for a summer lunch party.

Caramelised roasted vegetables provide a colourful and interesting variation to any buffet table.

Serve these as finger food, in pitta breads with slaw salad or as a main dish in a sauce with cous cous or rice.

Warming spices and deep flavours, perfect for impressive dinner parties or homely comfort food.

Peppers, tomatoes, large onions, cabbage leaves can all be stuffed with a meat and rice mixture along with plenty of herbs, spices and even, dried fruit.

Versatile, filling and a great way to hide some vegetables for children!
Pots of fresh herbs on your kitchen window or amongst a buffet table, instantly add colour and life!
It's these that give food that wow factor! Watch your guests faces as they wonder at the secret ingredients!
Catering supplied in real, used and loved, crockery. No uniform plastic trays!